Monday, January 10, 2011

High Hemoglobin And Hematocrit In Dog

Discovering the Farm Pratale

Last week we "fell" in Umbria per visitare questa storica realtà del movimento degli EcoVillaggi italiani, la Fattoria Pratale di Etain e Martin.
Adagiata sulle colline a sud di Gubbio e circondata da boschi e pascoli, offre la possibilità di soggiornarvi collaborando ai vari lavori che quotidianamente ci sono da svolgere.

La sistemazione è rustica e famigliare, il cortile interno della casa di legno ricorda quello delle domus romane, mentre la vita collettiva si svolge nella grande cucina, tra il fuoco e la stufa. Tutti sono invitati a cucinare o lavare i piatti, preparare la legna ed a collaborare in qualsiasi activities.

Our arrival was quite lively and hilarious because, for over-Do-Da-Te Monza, we missed the turnoff for the farm, continuing along the wrong road and ending almost in the muddy riverbed Chiascio with radiator laundry .

leave the machine to its fate have reached Pratale backpackers and we did not lose time to find someone among the villagers, for the recovery of the machine through the tractor. The next day, completed the recovery operation, and mechanical carroattrezzi have completed the work to return the half-functioning within a few days.

Past the first day of acclimatization between laughter and some teasing, we are now entered in tune with our guests, which was quite easy because of their sincerity and their thirty years of training to receive guests from around the world, so Martin has immediately directed to our duties: to dig one of the two gardens then be able to plant potatoes, sawing wood for the stove and clean the horses grazing regrowth of trees and bushes of wild rose.
The days are then flown between the work of the morning, the stories that Etain and Martin gave us about thirty of these changes and rural life viable and environmentally sustainable, and our thousands of resulting questions about .

The farm produces vegetables, fruit, preserves and jams, goat cheese, olive oil, wine, balsamic vinegar and bread, mostly for home consumption, but any surplus is exchanged with friends in fair trade markets in the area.

During these 5 days we have been involved in some special events such as the introduction into the fold of a new lamb, mutton future, that the sheep were opposed to Ruzzon for a few days, the birth of a lamb and 'partial eclipse of the sun.
likeable the 5 donkeys are always looking for human companionship and are presented in the morning at the kitchen window to get some profit or surplus of the previous evening.

Chickens and ducks have free movement in almost the entire perimeter of the farm, except of course in the gardens, and are in constant contention with 5 cats and 2 dogs for a few morsels of food.
The three horses of the Camargue curious we have always carefully observed during the cleaning of the pasture, giving the group of sudden galloping up and down the hill.

If you want a personal and detailed description of life in Pratale recommend reading the books / journals that Etain and Martin have been published.
Pratale will surely be a essential step in our next round-in-lap when we could afford to stay for a longer period.


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