Friday, August 31, 2007

How Many Pages Can Be Created In Ms Word

"LA CAMPANELLA". Il giornaletto della scuola di Asseggiano

Nel mese di febbraio 2006, dopo aver superato vari ostacoli tecnologici ed informatici...é approdato alla sua prima stesura il giornalino on line degli alunni della scuola di Asseggiano (Venezia).
La scuola di Asseggiano, é un piccolo plesso di 5 classi del Circolo Didattico C. Colombo di Chirignago.
La posizione di questa scuola é decentrata rispetto agli altri due plessi, in quanto é situata in una zona periferica di Chirignago ma con un gruppo animato and active grandparents and parents participating in school activities with enthusiasm.
The school is opposite the Santa Maria Church Aid, a pharmacy and a bar. On the other side of the entry there is the railway that runs along the entire school yard and when the train passes the windows shake ...
But the small station ... Asseggiano allows its residents and students and teachers to easily connect to Venice. Students have two minutes in front of the train and can reach Venice by train and leave in fifteen minutes. A fortune!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Used Dinghy For Sale Maryland

Un saluto da NORWICH (Costa orientale dell'Inghilterra). A cura dell'ins. Germana

As you know near the end of the school year the teacher Germaine went to Norwich to qualify for a scholarship offered by the Ministry of Education to study the English language.
I was at Norwich for 15 days following an intensive 7-hour hours a day (plus homework to do after) the methodology of teaching ... all in English! Tales, songs, rhymes, drama, drama everything but all in English. It Was A Full Immersion!
In those days I also had the opportunity to visit the schools to which you are now ... I a quick guide in Italian.

In each entry of primary schools in Norwich
I visited is given to all welcome!
drawings or paintings made by students are placed at the entrance to each school in ... This photo is an example.

In each class students and teachers no longer use the traditional slate stone, slate and / or white chalk and eraser, but use the interactive whiteboard by touching a screen that is ... with your fingers you can write on them without using neither pens or anything. A simple movement cleans the slate dust free.
is not science fiction, but is that enough to touch the interactive whiteboard to be able to draw and write. See below the picture.
The teacher may correct errors remotely through a PC connected directly to the interactive whiteboard .. depends on the program you want to put.

This board is supplied to all schools in the city regardless of who attends.
school I visited was in a neighborhood less rich of the country.

It is a wonder this board?!

In each class are written rules that students must respect and are decorated with colorful designs that seem perfectly printed ... They are identical in form in all classes but different in color, therefore, is likely to have been printed by the management for each class and then colored by the students.

The classroom behavior of students is impeccable!
The students are very respectful of their teachers and call them by name MRS and Mr., Mrs. or Mr. ie teacher / o. ..

In two visits over four hours I did, I never heard screaming teachers to restore order. The students have never stopped talking while their teacher and / or explained.
Pupils work for a maximum of 20'-30 'minutes to change their work and discipline. They are always in small groups of 4-6 students and have angles in the same classroom desks arranged for the purpose.
The level of preparedness of our students seems to be similar if not better. This comforts me because our alunni non hanno nulla da invidiare in quanto a capacità e riuscita scolastica. Anzi vista la differenza di materiale offerto oserei dire che siano più pronti gli alunni forse é solo l'impressione e il bisogno di considerarli migliori in forza e in virtù dei loro insegnanti che non hanno le attrezzature e gli strumenti dei colleghi inglesi.
Questa é l'aula di musica.
Vi sono oltre 12 pianoforti elettronici, un pianoforte manuale, gli xilofoni rossi di grande dimensione.
In un'altra sala vi sono violini, arpe, basses, cellos, guitars and other stringed and wind instruments.
Students may choose a musical instrument and decide to learn to play during the school year ...!

available to schools, there is obviously a teacher specialized in music.
student to the primary IV told me I play the bass from the class!

The best students are expected at the University of Cambridge ...

University students during the summer holidays and are looking to earn some money hauling tourists are taxi pedal ... also ecological these English!

About Norwich also did the walking bus ... Drafting the stops and saw the children! Unfortunately I could not take pictures of the bus where I was.


How Long Do Cystic Fibrosis Sufferers Live

La scuola di Asseggiano ha il suo vincitore del Concorso Bimbimbici 2007...

's design contest winner Bimbimbici 2007 entitled:
"+ bike = less smog and more Friends'
CONGRATULATIONS AND COMPLIMENTS to Maximilian and his parents will go a weekend ... Valsugana
expect a postcard from the mountain!