Friday, June 27, 2008

Older Omega Seamaster

Ci vediamo all'osteria, al numero venti

What's better than sexual freak on duty to get people to go out and spend the fateful sette/50 € the movie ticket? After the mutant of Tetsuo Tsukamoto, said "'A drill" and Linda Lovelace's clitoris with relocated from parts of velopendulo, here is an old acquaintance: the vagina dentata .

It 's been a bit' quietly last summer but is recoverable in DVD, "Teeth" , the story of a young lady who has a way to tighten his knowledge with people who happen to meet. A film fiercely frowned upon by penises and shunned by gynecologists, but recommended by the Doctors Dentists Italians. It 'the only category that the vision is not cultivated castration anxiety. "Think, daydream," a world of profits doubled, with all those teeth, a thousand euro every care ... "

The vagina dentata è un mito antichissimo che funziona sempre, soprattuto a livello catartico se inserito nel genere cinematografico rape and revenge (se pensiamo a cosa avrebbe combinato la Zoe di " L'angelo della vendetta " di Abel Ferrara con un'attrezzatura odontoginecologica del genere, vengono i brividi cinefili) e che ha perfino ispirato una certa oggettistica nata con il lodevole intento di scongiurare gli stupri.

Per fortuna il film non si prende troppo sul serio e non picchia solo sul tasto dell'horror, anche se qualunque maschio non esce sicuramente indenne dalla sua visione. Uno slogan perfetto per il film sarebbe stato "non adatto ai penises emotional ".

Directed by the son of the famous American pop artist Liechtenstein, they operate without being pretentious but successful, recovers in a sense the spirit of anarcho-collegiate Russ Meyer and the humor associated with sex Throat Deep. "When you see the rottweiler then you feel even the hand of John Waters .
The ironic tone is used intelligently to play down the impact of the argument quite sharp. The concern is entrusted to the towers of a nuclear power plant located near the home of the protagonist. Guilty of mutations?

About movie freaks. If the Bride of Tarantino conceive a child with Hannibal Lecter the result would be the star of "Hard Candy ," I do not think that film will never see on Raiuno Christmas and I was also delighted to hire.

If a fourteen year old, a red turtleneck with genes such as these parents had in their hands to keep a pedophile held for a whole afternoon, what could ever make? To you find the taste, but if you are male, stay away from them if you just saw "Teeth". For your penis would be too much.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

What Does The C In Front Of A License Number Mean

Evviva il paraculone

I like Michael Moore, as the Crodino. It 's a paraculone but the content is too important to have them escape. Sometimes his talk will be aimed a bit 'too much of our bellies, but it is true that Americans are held hostage by the gun lobby, the Bush family has always been in business with shady characters and a Saudi and American unemployment risks of having to sell the house and perhaps even Terga to afford surgery, no rain.
Moore is the super-size version of the baby crying "The King is naked", because he is cute and then there were the Americans so that they have the humility to admit I'm not perfect and that other demigods countries are ahead in some things of them.

I liked "Bowling for Columbine" and I will never forget the figure of shit that had to do Charlton Heston, said that no one would ever be such a fascistone.
me a bit disappointed 'with "Fahrenheit 911", just because they had the courage to go all the way September 11 in the reasoning (and I say that this is paraculone) but even there the scene disgusting Wolfowitz that sucks the comb expression by encephalogram flat but with a cat and the mouse in the mouth of Bush in the Florida school alone were worth the money for the ticket.
Today I saw "Sicko," his latest film, and I'm not ashamed to say that I finally are moved to tears.

We all know that the American health care is something obscene but we do not learn enough.
A dozen years ago when I had a virus due to optic neuritis and a whole range of serious neurological problems, fortunately resolved then, the uncertainty of diagnosis and anguish to know if my disease was curable or not attended several American forum on the Internet, offered by University Medical Institutes. Patients exhibiting their cases and the doctors responded.
also happened to chat among ourselves. Shit when I was literally in a forum of ophthalmology, a girl told me that he could cure his blindness due to progressive action, which But it cost $ 200,000, which she did not. Today, this thought, perhaps someone who can no longer see because it has 200,000 fucking dollars, makes me crazy. I think this is abnormal, a sidereal injustice.

other patients, multiple sclerosis, told me that their diagnosis was often hidden from their insurance companies because otherwise they would withdraw cover. One can understand why: the multiple sclerosis is a disease so far incurable, highly debilitating and drugs used for its control, such as interferon-beta, are very expensive. Increases the risk and insurance are pulled back, we know ourselves. I myself, when I was admitted to the neurology examinations and magnetic resonance imaging (all free), I was told later by the bank that the insurance offered to clients on admissions did not provide reimbursement for the inpatient neurology ward. Appendicitis steps, but a permanent neurologic injury maybe not.

Returning to the U.S. forum, I remember that whenever I said that we were the almost free care was unleashed in disbelief and even a sense of envy that transmits well in Moore's film. All to say how lucky I was and how they find their unjust position of having to depend on Paturnie of health insurance and a principle for a fee.

I read these days in the pathetic, in my opinion, he defended the freedom of the many volunteers autolaureatisi in a jiffy defense lawyers for the U.S. healthcare system bias. What I did not read anywhere is an admission that that system is wrong because it goes beyond just a basic principle of social justice: that health is a right, not a commodity. It 's a question of mentality. They tell you that there are policies that offer you services far better than ours. Thanks to the dick, if I pay of course, but if I lose my job for any reason, and can not be my fault, in the U.S. also lose insurance coverage. Testimonials that there is still a 'free care for the "needy" (God nerves when they are called that!) and that Moore is a cacciaballe.

Trying to post an image of Sicko have happened by chance in this blog American boy. Hear what he says:
"I was lucky in my life have always had some type of insurance coverage. For a couple of speeches, my mother's insurance covered almost the entire cost.
The only time I was discovered was when I moved to Dallas and I was unemployed job seekers. Once you find it and returned to the possession of health insurance went to the doctor for a checkup and he told me that I did not have to pay anything for the examinations, except $ 20 for a kind of ticket. A couple of months later I received a bill of about $ 400. I was shocked because my friend had the exact same blood, the same hospital and at the same doctor and had paid only $ 20.
I always thought that if I was seriously ill in life I had good insurance coverage. Now I'm not longer so sure. I'm thinking of moving to a country where there is a national health service, so should I worry less. "
thoughts are difficult to understand for us, if we feel bad and always enjoy a free service of action and that if we have an operation no one asks us if we can pay for it. No one denies that there is a bad health, incompetence and dirt in some situations of public health but the principle is safe. Health is a right. The fees we pay to allow patients, including sometimes we are here, to be treated
The drug that Michael pays $ 120 in the U.S. costs 5 cents in Cuba because it must be so, but lawyers for the health of the free market you would cut your balls, just to admit it.

Canon Pixma Mp145 Troubleshooting

L'unico modo per farmi passare la fame

E 'watch "Super Size Me" film experiment but also by extreme body-art, released a few years ago but always interesting to watch again and again, to remind us of what we eat well in comparison with the Italian uncles overseas.

summarize the gist of the film for those who had not yet seen.
What happens to a young man and healthy if it has for thirty days and three times a day with only McDonald's menu strictly megaporzionati so popular among American teenagers? Simple: fat 11 pounds, became depressed, dependent on junk food, semi-powerless and reduced to a liver pate.
With Morgan Spurlock, the maker of the film, in the guinea pig. Turning the America of fast-foods with him discover that what we thought were only legends Metropolitan on junk food and the typical American diet are unfortunately true and not just to find a hair in your burger!

Among the things at once amazing and frightening described in the film, tells how a couple is normal for them to drink 6 to 8 liters of cola per day.
The city of Houston in Texas has the record of population obese. Millions of Americans eat three to four times a week in fast-foods. A tour around the school canteens
shows kids that they swallow calorie junk food and drink gatorade (one of the most disgusting concoctions ever created by human mind after RedBull) like fresh water, and think that is heavier to digest molten lead.
Younger Americans know all and I am fascinated by the clowns who advertises McDonald's. Note disturbing, even a notorious pedophile serial killer, John Wayne Gacy used to dress as a clown to attract its young victims. I had McDonald's testimonial I would have changed long ago but maybe they do to match power to murder.

discover that food is addictive as heroin: naloxone, a drug overdose from anti-ER, is able to produce indifference to chocolate in people who abuse it.
The cheese is full of endorphins, the excess consumption of sugar is known to be associated with the increase of aggression. Perhaps this is the answer to the question that Michael Moore did in "Bowling for Columbine," about why only in America there are 40,000 murders a year for firearms?
At the end of the film is disgusted with how a nation may give rise to a pathological behavior so completely about food, produce millions of morbidly obese and then torture them all day with images of "thin is beautiful, thin is healthy" .
I know it's trite to blame bulimia dollars from corporations, saying that they do only out of greed and not give a shit of people, but honestly you can not find no other rational explanation.

On a positive note. Morgan regained its weight with a healthy Mediterranean diet and, following the outcry over the film's success, McDonald's has collected from its restaurants, the portions "super size" that threatened to send the author-director to another world.

As you know some time I'm developing a pathological hatred towards diets and dieticians. Yesterday
unfortunately happened to be on a TV show where they said that I should eat a mid-afternoon Mastella (!) And a salad of fennel raw whole. After
fantasized about sodomizing the witty TV dietitian with other vegetables best suited for this purpose, such as the Sardinian artichoke with plugs, I thought it was really true that it's all about perception.
Why suffer with diets and regimes or hated "motion", the stupid race we should find the strength to do after eight hours and go to work and even without the aid of a stripe of coca. We believe
fat but just look at the Americans, it immediately became very thin. Watch "Super Size Me" and there goes the urge to eat. While sitting on the couch watching TV.
Mine is a revolutionary new theory of philosophical relativism food.

Here full movie in English. The site will also find a lot of other documentaries free to watch.

Cholecystitis More Condition_symptoms

Il cinema, il cinema ribelle

sometimes happens that a movie that at first you seemed a little wordy, which maybe you do sleep you were a part, in the days after you dig in like a mole. To me it happens often and usually with movies that I like and remember to order more. And
'effect that made me "Lions for Lambs" by Robert Redford.

controcoglioni with film critics are keen to stress that it is a film sided, biased, ohibò of that inveterate Democrat of Redford. So he does not like because if it's nice and cool out the good side of the former Dirty Harry carognone ammorbiditosi with age, who are surprised that it was democratic in his youth does not become a fascistaccio old.
Redford may not have the courage to cry out fuck you in the face that the ruling class in this film which tells the crimes because he is a gentleman but uses subtle allusions, however, and a finish that is worse than a razor that takes you via the ear.

E 'a film in parallel. Two soldiers volunteers (metaphorically represented by the black and dall'ispanico) sent to the slaughterhouse, a young senator 'rrampante with my heart in crocodile who ends up believing that tells the bales, a journalist like you have never do more, with neurons that light to produce their own light and perlamadonna questions! to interview the senator for his television network, a Socratic teacher who seeks to awaken the brilliant but lazy schoolboy, the one in power capable of great things, "that could do more but it has for cock. There is one America to rebuild (even one left?) And you have to get busy with the material that you have available.

What is the basic thesis of the film? This war, this war, came after 11 September , are built on lies. The great empire
U.S. military sends more soldiers to the fray as in Vietnam. "I think militarese for bait," notes Senator Streep Cruise when he pretends the gimmick of sending small groups of soldiers in the midst of the Taliban the top of a mountain as a major campaign of decisive war. Country desk study in Washington by people who could face up to the skin in the shower and slipping that specializes in sending others to die for his pigs interests. Those others who can still be heroes, lions of the title, in fact.

The dialectical duel between Streep and Cruise is the key piece of the puzzle, one that lays bare the role of politics and the press as complicit in the fate of the people to drag into the abyss of war. It 's only when the two act in synergy that the trick works wonders.
"When did you become so?" Cruise ironically asks his interlocutor, meaning "any Berva so good at dancing."
"We were were attacked, the boys were committed to the front, "is the justification that gives Streep and that anyone who would, under certain conditions and especially being an American. easy to think that if the lions were to know the extent to which they have lambs deceived would soon to tear mercilessly.
When Meryl comes back to the office and talk to his boss made the interview with the senator, his doubts and says "we can not automatically restore everything the government tells us," Redford shows us a 'America still desperately clinging to democratic values, but perhaps not resist the logic of selecting securities for breaking news.

I think this film is digging me in because, even though he speaks of America, the war in Afghanistan, the heroism of the Marines, the country and the media stars and stripes is a film about Italy and what has become to us the information.
What black hole is taken away, our press? Where are the journalists doing the questions and pocket the powerful interviewed, as did the late lamented dell'Oriana the old days? What would they say "no, that I can not write?
We might ask where are the journalists and that's it, replaced by a race of rulers of code and microphones, with his head that makes it like the dogs-spring of the 60 cars. Retriever puppies bales packaged.

Now imagine the same film set in Italy. A reporter enters the studio to interview the senator. He lies down a lion's skin, or kneeling at which point you can not imagine another, as follows, that a porn film.