Thursday, July 19, 2007

Facebook Poll Questions


build a map with the architects ...

to show us how to build a road map (with special reference to the way to school), came to class two architects Massimiliano and Alessandro.
We students had already designed the road walk every day with a visit to school and now had to compare our work with work done in class. Massimiliano
spread out over the tables, a large map representing the entire country Asseggiano that previously had been divided into three parts, we have placed on a sheet of tracing paper and asked us children to follow in the scoring map represented all that was trying to make us recognize the streets, buildings, green areas.
Basically we built ourselves a card. After attaching with adhesive tape the three parties, helping with our earlier drawings and orienting them toward the north, to recognize the geographical position of various buildings, each of us has its own path by using color symbols to indicate the different ways to get to school by car-

with the school bus-bike

This experience was very interesting because showed us a new way of representing space. C's fate to know and use the symbols of cartography: it was good for us and the world in places we often go from seeing a new perspective: the view from above.

Experience with the Municipal Police

One day she came to visit a local policeman named Bruno.
With him, we saw a video on the dangers of the road, but mainly we talked about how we should behave as a pedestrian and when we go with the bike, the policeman told us the meaning of the main road signs and safety in the car (seat belt use). Bruno with us was so nice, spoke in a simple and clear and we want to thank you hoping to come back again in our school to teach road safety education that is both useful for our security.


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