Friday, December 4, 2009

Battlefield 2 X-fi Ultra High

Il cinema sinfonico di Quentin Tarantino

Piccolo cappello introduttivo, solo un cappellino con veletta. Il prof. Yehuda Bauer , preoccupato per una nuova ondata di antisemitismo provocata dalla visione cinematografica di un plotone di ebrei spaccateste molto vendicativi e molto molto incazzati si sbagliava.
Era in errore pure il mio adorato Gilad Atzmon che, recensendo "Bastardi senza gloria" di Quentin Tarantino (avendolo già visto o no?) pensava anch'egli di trovarsi di fronte all'epopea della Grande Vendetta Ebraica, addirittura ad un film anti-Olocasuto, e probabilmente voleva anche lui togliersi la soddisfazione di dare qualche bastonata in testa ai basterdi sionisti che popolano i suoi incubi.
Me too, my little one, impressed by these authoritative writings I had done the drag n a speech that absolutely captured the spirit of the film.
Now that I've seen I can finally frame it in its deeper meaning in what he really is: cool.

"Inglourious Basterds" is primarily a Tarantino film, so the latest chapter in the saga of Great Cosmic Vendetta and Relentless , his favorite subject, and also our judging by the success that collect his work. Who has the courage to have feelings of revenge, consuming only hot food scare or elation that gives revenge accomplished, can not love his movies. It is not just for bloody revenge, the women themselves to pieces and broken up 88 wild in an exciting review of the preparation of meat sauce. Jackie Brown takes his revenge by using only un'accuminatissima cerebral and cunning.

Tarantino wrote and directed the film, is also known as the stones, but more like a symphonic composer of the past. One could say that the symphony, the music died, has risen in choosing him as the author of Cinema Quentin Van tip.
In his symphonies, this is number seven, there are echoes, suggestions and references to other authors, just as was the case with Beethoven, and more recently with Mahler. There is division in the Allegro, Presto, Andante, Largo, which he called a chapter. Each chapter has a structure in itself, a beginning and an end, just like the movements of a symphony.

"Inglorious Basterds" begins with a lengthy Adagio, almost a Adagietto, set in an unlikely French countryside inhabited by peasants Jews (!) Where it comes from one of the most extraordinary characters seen on screen recently, Colonel Landa interpreted by the Austrian Christoph Waltz, an Oscar that should fill a shelf, if only to know how to master all the languages \u200b\u200bin which the film is spoken and the tension that can create in his scenes. At the end we should ask whether the true bastard the film is not its only him and the other only a skilled and fracassone screening, the teaser in the film.

L'Allegro, which introduces the "Basterd" and their bloody business, with the Bear Jew Eli Roth makes an entry from "Commander" Mozart Andante is followed by another which presents the Vengeful , Queen of the Night Shoshanna and her great masterplan to dry all Ambaradan Nazi turning in a cinema to be sacrificed in order. Der Holle Rache. Wonders of silver nitrate. Against the power of imagination. The film launched a bomb against injustice. A time to study and scientifically planned anarchy.

This sumptuous finale, which comes after several interludes, quartets, duets, recitatives, and with a cheerful fire (in the true sense of the word) just as exciting of the cannon of ' Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture (you remember, en passant, in "V for Vendetta"?) and dominated by the beautiful image of the Giant Face. A cinematically exciting time but not all.

Revenge Jewish already. More than the Jews who wanted to take revenge on the Nazis? Although the historical periods do not fit and there are other inconsistencies - it's just a movie, a dream, do not ever forget, we will never be grateful enough to Tarantino for giving us the fantasy of close all the bastards (real ones) who commit atrocities in a room and pick them off with sticks .
I know it's vulgar, pornographic, in front of the nobility of the Rocky Colonel Von Stauffenberg Tom Cruise regicide who lives with exquisite pain, the Bear Jew (our man) that Hitler massacred hardcore with the baseball bat, splat splat. E 'vulgar but it is what we all dreamed of doing, let alone Jews. Ultimately, it is something as old as time. Quanno ce vo 'ce vo'. Revolutions are not made in yellow gloves. "Massacra dictator" is a serious game, more than "Carmageddon."

Tarantino, for his first fantasy costume, perfect for a philologist who is not afraid to get dirty apron with the European culture, high and pop does not matter, not only draws in the film thriller German and Italian repertoire but also usually immense the cast of "Commissioner Rex." Yay. Christoph Waltz played a disturbing serial killer in the episode "Der Puppenmorder" the third series (that's where I had seen it) and there's even Basterd platoon of the second cop-owner of Rex, Gedeon Burkhard .
is one that is not afraid of critics with the shit under the nose "ohibò film series B, the te-le-vi-sio-neee!

La scelta delle musiche per la colonna sonora è come al solito piacevolissimamente spiazzante. Fin dalla musica dell'inizio, quel "Green Leaves of Summer" che mi è schizzato fuori dalla memoria rimuovendo un tappo vecchio di almeno quarant'anni. Da qualche parte in cantina ne devo avere ancora il 45 giri.
Il mio compagno mi ha fatto notare il tema di "La battaglia di Algeri" e di altri film italiani ed ho ritrovato con piacere il David Bowie di "Puttin' out fire" ( "with gasoliiine" ) in arrivo direttamente sul binario degli anni 80.
I film di Quentin non sono solo cinema ma una seduta psicoanalitica con il paziente che ti inonda di libere associazioni. Delicious

also cameos from Michael Myers and the touch of genius of the scene of Cinderella's shoe, a tribute to Tarantino for the well-known female foot fetish. Female
all head, even in this film. Beautiful and deadly, but with a lot of things to say and tell. If the women who play on par with the man and act. There seems little in a world of girls pussy picture all and no brains trained to sing in chorus "Good thing there's Papi?"
not know if this is Tarantino's masterpiece, as he does say his alter ego after Aldo Pitt who just "tattooed" by the Nazi knife, but if not, is a clever fake.
Well Quentin, if you have not yet understood, we I love it. Do what you want of my feet.


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