Friday, June 27, 2008

Older Omega Seamaster

Ci vediamo all'osteria, al numero venti

What's better than sexual freak on duty to get people to go out and spend the fateful sette/50 € the movie ticket? After the mutant of Tetsuo Tsukamoto, said "'A drill" and Linda Lovelace's clitoris with relocated from parts of velopendulo, here is an old acquaintance: the vagina dentata .

It 's been a bit' quietly last summer but is recoverable in DVD, "Teeth" , the story of a young lady who has a way to tighten his knowledge with people who happen to meet. A film fiercely frowned upon by penises and shunned by gynecologists, but recommended by the Doctors Dentists Italians. It 'the only category that the vision is not cultivated castration anxiety. "Think, daydream," a world of profits doubled, with all those teeth, a thousand euro every care ... "

The vagina dentata รจ un mito antichissimo che funziona sempre, soprattuto a livello catartico se inserito nel genere cinematografico rape and revenge (se pensiamo a cosa avrebbe combinato la Zoe di " L'angelo della vendetta " di Abel Ferrara con un'attrezzatura odontoginecologica del genere, vengono i brividi cinefili) e che ha perfino ispirato una certa oggettistica nata con il lodevole intento di scongiurare gli stupri.

Per fortuna il film non si prende troppo sul serio e non picchia solo sul tasto dell'horror, anche se qualunque maschio non esce sicuramente indenne dalla sua visione. Uno slogan perfetto per il film sarebbe stato "non adatto ai penises emotional ".

Directed by the son of the famous American pop artist Liechtenstein, they operate without being pretentious but successful, recovers in a sense the spirit of anarcho-collegiate Russ Meyer and the humor associated with sex Throat Deep. "When you see the rottweiler then you feel even the hand of John Waters .
The ironic tone is used intelligently to play down the impact of the argument quite sharp. The concern is entrusted to the towers of a nuclear power plant located near the home of the protagonist. Guilty of mutations?

About movie freaks. If the Bride of Tarantino conceive a child with Hannibal Lecter the result would be the star of "Hard Candy ," I do not think that film will never see on Raiuno Christmas and I was also delighted to hire.

If a fourteen year old, a red turtleneck with genes such as these parents had in their hands to keep a pedophile held for a whole afternoon, what could ever make? To you find the taste, but if you are male, stay away from them if you just saw "Teeth". For your penis would be too much.

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