Thursday, July 22, 2010

Backfill Blade Vermeer

I would drink an 'other Weissen

The post title is dedicated to pasture and by his statement that after be drunk an average weissen opted for another round and I must say that he was right!
But let's start this Sunday (July 18) you ride only men, in fact, Clare is away, and the Manu studies, no study trips this week and were given the results 30 and 30 of both praise and exams ... Let's start with
calm myself, and Max Paschi to Val Gardena. The day is not great because there are several clouds. Parking Daunei a Selva di Val Gardena and from there we take to the road first and then the path towards the Rifugio Stevia. The air is crisp clear beautiful not hot but it is really good, as soon as we enter the forest we encounter a squirrel that does not seem very concerned about our presence. On a pleasant path we come to the shelter Juac we do not stop either, and take the path that leads to the refuge Stevia is beautiful, well kept and winds up the mountain between the rock and with a splendid view of the Sella and Langkofel. The Refuge is a wonderful area the scenery is really nice. We stop at the refuge to eat a sausage and then resume the path that goes a little 'to the fork, the meadows are full of edelweiss show.
Now the trail starts to descend a slope and is very nice also very strong this path in a severe environment and charming. Thus we come to Florence and shelter them then how did it end up as I have already said.
2010_07_18 Rifugio Stevia

Mixed Wrestling Tattoo

The highest point

Il punto più alto perché sabato abbiamo raggiunto la cima del Sassopiatto 2954 mslm il punto più alto del 2010, io e la manu ci eravamo già portati a Cavalese la sera del venerdì abbiamo dormito un po' e alle 4 è suonata la sveglia subito pronti e siamo partiti per quel di Campitello di Fassa, qui abbiamo preso la funivia per il Col Rodella. Purtroppo abbiamo perso quasi un quarto d'ora perché quando siamo arrivati noi stava partendo e abbiamo dovuto aspettare la corsa dopo...così siamo arrivati in cima che erano le 5:30. Con passo svelto io e Bobo abbiamo superato un' infinità of people and we managed to get to the Refuge Pertini time at 6:00 for the beginning of the Swine spettaccolo de Erri De Luca of the Dolomites. We "camped" and we enjoyed the show. I must say that is pretty cool in the morning to 6:00 at 2300 meters.
Errington spoke continuously for an 'hour to dry a variety of topics but it was very pleasant to be there to listen.
after the show we walked towards the hut Sassopiatto there really so many people at dawn and now it's all on the path, but I do not particularly like Manu not to have too much company when you are on the trails. Luckily we have an average pace much faster and in less than no time we come to the shelter Sassopiatto, here we do not stop even if not to take off our pants and then on the south side of Sassopiatto. The first is the path to the meadows and then begins to climb among rocks and scree. It is not always clear where it should go wrong, and so rather than take the path that leads to the top of Sassopiatto I take one that brings up a rope to the east. We eat the 600 meters in altitude in just over a 'now reached the top, but now we realize that we conquered the summit is a few hundred meters n and now we're right on the ridge below us and the wall falls vertical and has a beautiful view of the Sassolungo. The crossing is very quiet because we do without any difficulty. I take a picture on the summit and then down the right path but this time around. Hunger begins to be felt and so did the thirst, and then arrived at the refuge we take two Pertini Radler and a slice of pie ... a lot better. Now seems to be the fair there are people everywhere, we are going to take the cable car and by noon and a half we the machine. Bella the top absolutely feasible for all but the next time I want to conquer the other side ... the via ferrata Oskar Schuster.
2010_07_17 Erri de Luca Cima Sassopiatto

Los Hombres De Paco Watch

The sounds of Dolomitti

Wednesday July 14 there was the third edition of Sounds of the Dolomites Hut Kraun. Beautiful hot day and only some cloud in the sky. The organization has gone as smooth as we planned the concert was enjoyable and I expected a bit 'more pace because there's Africa Junior Djembe but it went fine.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Do You Get Really Wet Before Period

The study trips and excursions washed

The maintenance should definitely prepare for an exam on Monday and then this weekend we came up with trips to study, practice, instead of staying home to die of heat we take a gitarella and then remains at high altitude where he studied and Manu I faffing around. Saturday, 10 So the goal is the Refuge Tonini, leaving late in the morning because we have some things to do at home, fa un caldo impressionante anche nel salire al rifugio, siamo andati dalla parte Pinaitra si fa fatica. La nostra ascesa è allietata dalle tantissime fragoline di bosco che troviamo lungo il sentiero...buonissime!
Arrivati al Rifugio ci beviamo una bella brocca di sanbuco e la Manu si mette a studiare da prima all'ombra ma poi si sta bene anche al sole. Io mi faccio un pisolino su una panchina e poi mi svacco un pò al sole sul materassino che mi sono portato. Il tempo però man mano che passano le ore inizia a farsi brutto e così facciamo armi e bagagli e torniamo alla macchina così abbiamo ancora un pò di tempo per fermarci al lago di brusago molto carino.
La domenica abbiamo lo stesso problema e così dopo esserci messi d'accordo con Clear and Max send all upstream and say that Manu must study and then will be for next time. So we decided to go to Latzfons Kuhoff car and then up to the hut and then closed again on to the refuge and its church Latzfons easy path up the forest road. Manu arrived here is still not satisfied, and then we also Cima San Cassiano at the end will be 1000 meters of altitude ... not bad for a study tour ...
back down from the top of the beautiful clouds approaching, we stop near the Refuge Latzfons to eat ... we brought a pasta salad that luxury! Begins to drop a few drops, then we approach the hut Chiusa, came here to pause time so it looks nice and Radler medium out the books you start to study. When the cloud had passed, he decide to get into threatening but it is too late, we take a long time all over his head and even hail! We get the car wet!

The Manu has not studied a lot in these two days but on the other hand took 28 talented ... LOVE!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Viginia Expired Gift Card


Saturday 3 is the date of Sounds of the Dolomites Hut Vajolet at 22 with stories of Marco Paolini, I can not miss. This Saturday is also the wedding of Laura and Hamed (AUGURI!!) Are invited to the cake but the call of the mountain is stronger and then I let go of the Manu alone and organize a great trip in the company of Chiara, Max, Pero, Manu e Bibi.
L'itinerario è partenza da Mazzin-Rifugio Antermoia-Passo Antermoia-Rifugio Passo Principe-Rifugio Vajolet. la giornata è splendida partiamo a mezzogiorno e fa piuttosto caldo, risaliamo la val Udai senza fretta arrivati in cima ci fermiamo per pranzo una piccola pausa tanto la giornata per noi è ancora lunghissima. Ci incamminiamo dopo esserci rifocillati sui ghiaioni che portano verso il rifugio Antermoia, qui ci concediamo una birra, ci riposiamo un pò e poi ripartiamo visto che all'orizzonte ci sono delle nuvole minacciose, ci aspetta il punto più alto della giornata passo Antermoia a quota 2770mslm la salita è resa interessante dal nevaio che ricopre il sentiero. Il panorama arrivati al passo è grandioso adesso non ci resta che andare a prenderci la birra che ci aspetta al Rifugio Passo Principe. La discesa è resa difficoltosa da delle lingue di neve vecchia che tagliano il sentiero e la Manu diciamo che non gradisce particolarmente il percorso. Arriviamo al Passo Passo principe dove avevamo intenzione anche di cenare ma non c'è verso e tutto pieno e così ci dobbiamo accontentare di una birra e di fare due chiacchiere col gestore che è proprio simpatico! Scendiamo al Rifugio Preus e li ci sfamano e così fra una chiacchiera e l'altra si fanno le nove di sera. In cielo ci sono sempre più nuvoloni minacciosi. Visto il minaccioso temporale che stà arrivando l'organizzazione decide di iniziare prima e sale in cattedra Paolini, veramente un can make a big story that the dog Spot told that he is just beautiful! At some point now that when it started raining from the organization tells them to finish the show is too dangerous for lightning. Not even finished saying that the show was postponed until the next day and it starts to rain as God sends it. All the people running to the shelters and I have a good idea to go and hide under a table while everyone else manage to enter the shelter. I did not realize that others come in and when I realize I'm just beginning to look around to see if I see them as soon as the storm drops a little I go to a shelter to another to look for them but nothing and then I have to stop in shelters Fortunately for continua a piovere e grandinare a tratti con molta violenza. Purtroppo nel momento peggiore del temporale mi trovo sotto un ombrellone di stoffa che per paura che me lo porti via il vento lo chiudo con me dentro...che lavata. Finalmente dopo quasi un ora il temporale smette e così ritrovo tutti i mie amici dentro al rifugio. Sono fradicio! Scendiamo al Rifugio Gardeccia dove prendiamo il pulmino che ci porta alle macchine, nel frattempo è arrivata anche la Manu a Cavalese per fortuna perché mi è proprio mancata in questa bella giornata! Andiamo a dormire stanchi ma contanti è stat proprio una bella avventura!

2010_07_03 Attraversata Catinaccio

The next morning there are substitutions among the participants on Sunday, are not Bibi, Pear and Manu F. and join Bobo and Paschi who has joined us in Cavalese in the morning. The tour today is a Classicon Val di Fiemme: Rifugio Torre di Pisa appended to which the fork of the Campanile. We start from the parking lot of luck for the Pampeago Manu brought me another pair of shoes because my boots are still wet! The weather is beautiful and the place as always. From the saddle, we also have the chance to see a chamois that show!

2010_07_04 Tower of Pisa Fork of Steeples

How Women Tennis Player Keep The Balls

's official is summer! It was June, but seemed

First Saturday and Sunday in summer the weather is nice and we really want to go to a lot of us a ride, and when volgliamo be on the safe area and pointed at Tedone CALDENAVE. Oretta plenty of car and we parked in Tedone and we put the boots on. Without strong efforts to shelter us we do not stop either, and we continue towards the plain where there are two beautiful CALDENAVE donkeys graze, then begins to rise towards the fork Ravetta 2219mslm. Getting to the fork is not at all obvious fact bsogna go up a stone and then a stretch of the snowfield, but today there is still nothing even the clouds that continue to circle over our heads.
At the fork meet a nice couple with whom we chat here are many possibilities and we decided to go to the Forzelon de Rava here we come again on the path to the step of Tombolini from which you see a staircase carved in the rock. Time seems to turn for the worse, and then we start right away and we decide to take the path that would bring to 328 Ravetta Fork. We have difficulties to find the path that is hidden by the snow, but somehow we find it in the meantime the sun comes out and so close to the big lake we stopped on a rock to eat something, a great place!
finished eating on traces of paths lead us to the fork Ravetta but we are still not "satisfied" so we decide to climb the rope CALDENAVE that seems silly but they are 200 meters in altitude that made at the end of the day are felt. We ascend and descend without interruption and then down to the hut where we drink something and then to the machine. Wonderful around seven hours total, almost 1480 meters of altitude. I'd say we were very satisfied.
2010_06_27 Top CALDENAVE
Sunday but after a magical night of revelry in Trento times not just from mountain around noon, we agreed with Clare and Max and we started direction of the Val di Tires Cavone to climb to the Refuge. I was the third time we climbed. The path is nice and the shelter is really nice come without great efforts we have made a step ate some fruit and drank because today it's nice to warm up and then I proposed all'Hammervand, and so we walk. In little more than we are now on top of a very well kept and beautiful path on top is a beautiful view of the Rosengarten.
Back at the refuge we allowed ourselves a nice omelet and a Skiwasser which is becoming our summer drink!
2010_06_27 Mount Nicholas

Fotografie Lorna Morgan


The weather forecast for the weekend which should be the opening dei rifugi invece verrà ricordato come speriamo il più brutto week end dell'estate, brutto per quel che riguarda il tempo meteorologico.
Noi abbiamo anticipato i tempi e il sabato mattina siamo andati a farci un giretto a Malga Derocca giusto per non perdere la gamba. Il giro non è un gran che il sentiero è sempre nel bosco e non regala molte emozioni per quel che riguarda il panorama solo qualche scorcio su Trento e sul lago di Caldonazzo. La malga è carina situata in un bel posto di solito ci sono dei cavalli al pascolo.
Arrivati alla nostra meta non ci siamo fermati molto abbiamo mangiato qualcosa e poi ci siamo avviati in giù anche perché le previsioni si stavano materializzando, dei bei nuvoloni si stavano avvicinando minacciosi luckily we got to the car without taking water.
2010_06_19 Alm De Rocca
The Sunday, the weather is cold and raining just crashed. We are not happy just get up there came a worm in the head. Sounds of the Dolomites for 11 choruses now organized in 11 shelters, and then we said the motto of asylum in the woods "but there is no bad weather, only wrong clothes" but if we go we sing to give a 'look. We have prepared, we called the shelter CALDENAVE but initially told us that they were doing and then once we started called to confirm and told us but that they were in a hut in the valley, so we opted to go a little above the Cles with Rita and Alfred Coro Croz Corona to see. Basically we got to the hut in the car also had to do it here at Rifugio Peller but opted to do it further down, the weather is really inclement. Anyway it was a beautiful morning and were among the singers and Maines Sisigno very good!