Friday, December 26, 2008

How To Tell If Cell Phone Has Spy Software On It

Kolosimo Jones e la maledizione dei marrons glacés di cristallo

Sometimes it is nice to see films as they once could see, were small. No multiplex, no obligation to clear off the end of the movie but can rivederselo, no pungent smell of popcorn that assails you in the car park and no Dolby Surround.
E 'in these conditions that I saw the latest Indiana Jones last summer in the mountains.
The title fits in very well with hiking boots and the climate of the parish hall.

What, are those films that give you the feeling that they have been shot by inserting the automatic filmmaker and that eventually will tear a chilling "pretty, it '!" Good
the introduction of the character, with its distinctive hat and the shadow cast on the car but unfortunately the original effect does not last long because you fall when you realize that the marron glacé and ultramegasegreta the legendary Area 51 may be taken in full fifties, four Russian cartoon with four pistol and a pair of fake beards, more Cate Blanchett version of Ninotchka.

must be the new direction of the American neocons, that to be clear that on 11 September, the CIA, NORAD, the FBI, the Naval Service and all cucuzzaro and if there were no ' were asleep. In practice it is better to secure any LIDL, where there are some bouncers that just comes with any sport, you team immediately labeling them as a thief in pectore.

Returning to film, what could have been robbing from Area 51? The finding of Roswell, of course, the usual gray alien cabbage. Even the Ark of the Covenant, suggests to me someone skilled nell'aguzzare sight.
In the remainder of the adventure, as in a puntatone Voyager, there was the whole mythology of 'Space archeology, from the slopes of the Nazca crystal skulls. It lacked only man Space of Palenque and the Tunguska explosion. Kolosimo Jones, in fact.
a godsend for us almost fifty came up on bread and UFOs but what the kids have figured out that ten years ago were too small to Mulder and Scully?

Harrison, poor man, he too, given the age. But Spielberg does not miss a flying saucer at the end if it starts coming up from the ground (already seen in at least forty-seven including the first feature film X-Files) and the shotgun wedding with the ultimate hero of the first ex-nice episode.
I understand wanting to kill the character but it is definitely too much stuff to the Hague tribunal. Want to put a hat on and that bestrides it starts with a Rhettbutleriano "I frankly do not care" wives and children, "de Elvis" spaccamaroni, maybe going to pick up the Gate in the jungle for a quickie style "where were we?"
But you're right, not too old, the better the altar. How sad, though.

Monday, December 15, 2008

What Does The Purple Shag Band Mean

Tanticchia sòla

alone (alone) sf
RE centromerid. Synonyms FOR pack Gerg. AU bin Gerg. AD scam CO bidonat to Gerg. , cheating, scam, scam.

Very often, thinking back to a film that at first view there has enthused, however, happen to find any positive side, almeno un paio di momenti memorabili per i quali varrebbe quasi quasi la pena di rivederlo.
A distanza di una mesata dalla visione di "Quantum of Solace" non sono ancora riuscita a rivalutarlo da quella colossale sòla che mi è parso.

L'anno scorso l'avvento di Daniel Craig come nuova incarnazione di Bond era parsa una gran bella trovata. Ironico, sanguigno, strafottente ma anche umano fino al punto di prendersi una colossale scuffia per la strafiga di classe Eva Green senza vergognarsi di esternare i propri sentimenti.
Un Bond che nel finale imbracciava il pistolone e sparava la famosa frase "My name is Bond, James Bond", con la spietatezza di un Ispettore Callaghan, facendo presagire sfracelli nell'inevitabile seguito.

Now that the action we have seen, we have to say? The plot of "Casino Royale" was compelling, the film functioned as a rhythm, balancing action sequences and moments of pure well-written script-based dialogues. The bad was intriguing, almost as fascinating than his rival, exoticism was well contained and the functional to the story. There were times and highly ironic, as I have to point out, even Quentin Tarantino echoes.

"Quantum of Solace" is nothing of that. Bond is in full mourning for the death of Vesper, and that's fine, we are sympathetic. But it could have depression do not last more than a long film. Or
I might as well admit that the family jewels svergate incurred in "Casino Royale" had done more damage than expected.
In this film Bond is more of a chaste Formigoni vintage. Just a hint of a Bond girl scopatina with one of the most tasteless of all time, that rossocrinita. With the main Bond girl, a brunette who looks amazingly Carfagna, nothing, just a little kiss at the end of the race.
If the old Bond Sean Connery is a miracle not to have died of AIDS because it sucks all that breathed were female and within twenty kilometers of the Bond Craig seems protected by a jealous girlfriend.
Definitely, if last year we lost so many in the head for the charming Craig, this year, looking amminchiarsi in memory of the poor and Vesper catafottersi down from the rooftops like Wile Coyote, at least let me totally indifferent. Like when the dentist makes you the truncal to channel molar. Nothing orgasmogramma plate.
also take delivery of nearly two hours to pout, as if Bond was struck by a paralysis of the seventh, does its part. Craig is not just a babe, it's a good actor but should be left free to use facial expressions. Otherwise it becomes a codfish. Fascinating but cod.

The plot of "Quantum of solace" (what a title is this?) Is a detail. The history is lost and never come to life between too many chases cars, which have now torn the cabbasisi, grappling cartoon where at most there is creased jacket, jumping off a roof with another slamming against wood, steel, stone and no one will twist a human hair, and for much less, in reality, funerals are held.
Too many races for minutes and minutes without even a little breathless, pointless postcards from Palio of Siena and from the quarries of Carrara (perhaps a tribute to the expression of marble Bond throughout the film?) And an excess of exoticism to all ii costs.

Of Bond girl, one and two, we said. Negligible. The villain Mathieu Amalric is a substitute, a bitchy, a two-bit cattivuccio. Too bad because the French actor is capable of many other strings.
M broke the balls with being angry with Bond throughout the film. Just fire him. There is always Scaramella, to put in its place.
Caliamo a veil on Italian actors involved in the Mess. Giannini and ends up in the box is the perfect end to a useless character like his. When I saw Lucrezia Lante della Rovere I seriously feared that jumps out even Luca Barbareschi. Luckily we escaped.
not save even the opening credits and the song of the movie. They objectively shit.

If you must continue the Age Craig will be better for the next film, Bond returns to what it was: a unbearably cynical and sexist as Connery. Otherwise, to try some erotic thrill, we spectators would be forced to continue to prefer Montalbano.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ways To Prevent Trench Foot

La notte delle montagne spezzate di dietro

Oh no, now we want compensation as "Querelle" , damn Fassbinder's masterpiece, prime time TV show on Channel and uncut version, with Brad Davis in all its glory. Fabrizio del Noce version with Alex De Large, tied to a chair and with the retractors of the eyelids, forced to watch everything, including sodomy di Querelle. Così imparano, i bacchettoni della Rai.

Io mi rifiuto da anni di vedere film in TV tranciati con la motosega ma immagino cosa potranno aver capito gli spettatori che lo vedevano per la prima volta del film "Brokeback Mountain" evirato delle scene che fanno capire la vera natura del rapporto tra i due protagonisti.
Io vidi il film l'anno scorso e non mi entusiasmò più di tanto. Più avanti spiego perchè.
Sostituendomi al servizio pubblico, visto che la RAI ha tagliato i fondamentali, ricapitolo la trama per gli ignoranti (in senso buono, che ignorano), aggiungendo la descrizione delle scene tagliate.

Due rudi cowboy si trovano da soli su un monte a badare ad un branco of sheep. First are the hard-core and then, complicit nature and the beauty of the two, what happens? ( cutscene: Ennis go hard with Jack, and he does his rather hastily. The scene is necessarily brutal, because we are not watching Candy Candy, but you do not see anything at all below the bust .)

Ennis is one of those who, after having overindulged, become nauseous at the time of the account. It 'obvious that the other, Jack Twist, one love, it will have to suffer all his life. Not by chance that we women identify with him from the start.
After the grazing season of the two greet each other and adios, not before Ennis has recommended his friend not to tell a nessuno quello che è successo tra le fresche frasche, non si sa mai. Che abbia studiato dai preti?
Tornato all'ovile, è proprio il caso di dirlo, Ennis si sposa una sciacquetta che in tre secondi netti gli scodella due marmocchie petulanti. ( Chissà se hanno tagliato anche la scena dove il maritino rigira la mogliettina alla maniera delle pecorine di montagna? )

Dal canto suo a Jack va un tantino meglio. Almeno la sua altrettanto insulsa moglie è ricca, o meglio lo è il suocero.
Un giorno Jack si rifà vivo con Ennis e sono di nuovo dolci baci e languide carezze sotto il portico, con la mogliettina che occhieggia basita dalla finestra. ( Questa è una delle scene più belle the film, which tells me you have cut the net. A passionate kiss between Heath and Jake very realistic. ) Cutting the kiss you will not understand why his wife's face, I guess. It will become a surreal moment to Buñuel.

Since then the two, with the excuse to go fishing, will meet regularly on the mountain galley. For twenty years. Among
divorce, mothers and children who grow up whitening and although he tried to start a new life with another desperate housewife, but Jack's heart has always remained with Ennis in Brokeback Mountain. At each meeting, any offer of Jack to challenge conventions and to live together is rejected by the other in one piece, who does not want the country murmur but prefers to live in hypocrisy of the "touch me Cecco, Cecco mother touches me." Indeed, that mother-in-law intends, tells of how, as a child, witnessed the destruction of a gay place, who was killed by real men of the place with how cruel. How

textbook Hollywood, can not miss the tragic end, the remorse later, the crocodile tears of the beloved and the shirt becomes a relic of love impossible, pathetically hanging on gruccetta of wire. Trash for a moment, if you will.

The film at the time I was disappointed, as I said, because it is rather slow, noiosetto and predictable, with a lot of National Geographic and the Marlboro Man and with a screenplay from the dialogue at times unintentionally laughable. And above all, because basically makes the game of who wants to blame homosexuality.
I would have had more courage to Ang Lee, I would do a thing like "Thelma and Louise," with Ennis and Jack leave their wives with a stronzissime "Hasta la vista baby" and run away merrily going to have a good time not only in the mountains but also to the sea, countryside and city, blessed as curly horn. With a final where, moving from Spain, get married and grow old happily until one dies in the arms.

Now think. They took a film that does not reward the gaiety but makes tragic choice, as always, and where lovers are dying and they fear the facts. They feared that some real Italian male might deviate from the true life of the chick and could bathe in a dream thinking of Heath and Jake. They called Facciadicuoio and they did have fun with a chainsaw. As always, it is considered more acceptable to the violence of the revolutionary force's complaint of sex.

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