The DINOSAUR = terrible lizard. Class III Ins. Cristina La parola
DINOSAURO deriva dal greco e significa
“TERRIBILE LUCERTOLA”. dinosaurs roamed the Earth
million years ago.
could be found in all shapes and sizes.
Some of them were giants, more than a house. Others were as small as chickens.
Some dinosaurs were herbivores and peaceful, while others were carnivores and hunters.
Great, great, great It is believed that the largest creature ever existed on Earth was the Brachiosaurus. This
vegetarian dinosaur, weighed over 50 tons, measuring 21 meters long and 12 high.
Recently, some remains were found, leading to believe that species were able to exist larger Brachiosaurus.
Scientists have named this new species ULTRASAURUS.
Small, small, small
Some dinosaurs were very small. The
SALTOPUS was only two feet long and weighed about 1 kg. He
size comparable to that of a chicken today.
The footprints Dinosaurs, then walking on soft ground, leaving huge footprints.
These footprints dried and filled with sand, dust and mud, making it "trace fossils".
The trace fossils are not remnants of dinosaurs, but evidence of their existence.
The end of a species Extinction is the permanent disappearance of a species.
The extinction of the dinosaurs dating back millions of years ago.
Old, but good A paleontologist is a scientist who studies fossils.
A paleontologist can learn many things about the forms of prehistoric life, by studying dinosaur fossils and plants.
never seen before
No one has ever seen a living dinosaur, but we know it existed, because scientists have discovered and put together the fossil.
Looking Back fossils prove the existence of life on earth in the past.
After their deaths, the remains of dinosaurs and plants were covered with dust, sand and mud.
Gradually, the surrounding minerals, rocks, turning them into filtered in prehistoric remains.
The bone structure The bone structure of the various dinosaurs, was proportionate to the different species.
Dinosaurs big and heavy, the bones were thick and strong to help them bear their weight.
Dinosaurs fast and light, had the hollow bones with a thin wall, which allowed them to move quickly. Hip hip hurray
Scientists have classified dinosaurs into two groups, based on the structure of their skeleton.
Code and horns The armored dinosaurs The bone plates and horns make up the protection of armored dinosaurs.
The small rectangular bony plates were tied together to form the entire shell.
The Ankylosaurus were part of the armored dinosaurs. Sound the horn
I CERATOPSIDI, dinosaurs with horns, was one of the last species of dinosaurs to walk the Earth.
These dinosaurs had a large skull with its shield around his neck.
The most famous dinosaur of this group was the Triceratops.
The tail balance The tail of the dinosaur was a very important tool in helping to balance the weight of the huge head and long neck.
Thanks to the queue, the dinosaur could run and walk without falling forward.
A tail terrifying Some dinosaurs used their tails for protection.
the Stegosaurus had spikes at the end of the tail.
The Ankylosaurus had a tail shaped like a club.
SAURPODI I used their tails as whips.
DINOSAURS AND BIRDS half reptile, half bird, the first fossil of the bird, the archeopterix was found in Bavaria nel 1861. Per molto tempo è stato considerato un dinosauro bipede, fino a che nel 1973 vengono scoperte impronte di penne.
Pressappoco della dimensione di un piccione, questa creatura intermedia fra il rettile e l’uccello possiede ancora alcune caratteristiche dei rettili: il cranio importante con grosse orbite, mascelle munite di denti, dita con artigli mobili in mezzo alle ali e coda ossea formata da una ventina di vertebre. Degli uccelli esso ha le ali, l’ossatura leggera e penne e piume. Le zampe posteriori sono già dotate di un dito rivolto all’indietro per aggrapparsi ai rami degli alberi. Non ha muscoli a sufficienza per spiccare il volo. Si tratta di un bipede che vola di ramo in ramo aggrappandosi con poderosi with wings and claws make short flights to pounce quickly on prey or escape from carnivorous dinosaurs.
Period: Upper Jurassic
LENGTH: 35 cm.
ORDER: Louris Oves
FAMILY: Archeaeopterygidae
DISTRIBUTION: Germany (Europe)
The Flying ictyornis probably lives in the colony. The same size of a chicken, has well-developed wings that allow him to fly. He also eats fish with teeth that eats hence the name (bird, fish.)
disappeared 70 million years ago during the Cretaceous.