Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Protein Shakes And Alopecia Areata

La Rosa Bianca - Sophie Scholl

Questo film di Marc Rothemund, uscito nel 2004, racconta con grande precisione storica l’arresto, la detenzione, l’interrogatorio, il processo-farsa e la condanna a morte di Sophie Scholl, di suo fratello Hans e dell’amico Christopher Probst che, assieme ad altri studenti di Monaco diedero vita al movimento di opposizione al regime nazista “La Rosa Bianca”.
Narrato con stile scarno e senza indulgere in scene madri, il film ha il grande merito di riportare sotto la luce della storia una vicenda all too little remembered. Good actors, on which stands the star Julia Jentsch, who plays with great intensity every moment of the passion of Sophie.

I took charge of the White Rose during my thesis in psychohistory. I was immediately fascinated by Sophie and the boys and the strength of their convictions. Here's what I wrote to them

The White Rose was the name by which a small group of students and faculty of the University of Monaco signed flyers illegals in 1943, where they were condemning the atrocities committed by Hitler and his followers and called on the German population to revolt against the regime in the name of dignity and freedom. The prominent figures in the movement were the brothers Hans and Sophie Scholl. The

Scholl had shared at the beginning, like most Germans, the suggestibility awakened before the symbol of the country, and joined the Hitler Youth on their part. The sense of community and its rituals as always, simple but terribly effective at the same time fascinated them and tie them in credulity. They felt they had to do something for their country and they were convinced that it would be something good. Their father, it is true, he warned them against those who had guessed would be profiteers and swindlers, but their enthusiasm was sincere.

Experience in Hitler at the beginning so satisfactory, then turns to a deep disillusionment and disappointment, especially in Hans. The commander had forbidden him to sing Russian songs and Norway because they did not belong to his people, had taken a book from the hands of Stefan Zweig, forbidden, but also the impact of regimentation and the drabness of Congress in Nuremberg had caused him a deep concern, arising from observing the lack of individual freedom in the Party organizations. The news that filtered
barely in the population over those who disappeared in the camps also reached the five Scholls and their families.
sister Inge, in a book dedicated to brothers, recalls:
"Oh, God! The question that was initially only uncertainty is transformed first into a dark despair, then in a wave of indignation. The world of pure thought, and confident that began to crumble, a little 'to time, in our mind. What they did, in fact, the country? "There was more freedom in flower nor life nor happiness nor prosperity for the people living within its borders. Oh, no! They had placed one after the other strains on Germany, until we became all, as prisoners of a large prison. "

Contact with the university environment, and the discovery of a widespread malaise in respect of dictatorship, Hans pushing action. Created the first leaflets of the White Rose. " He has the support of his teacher, Professor Huber, sister Sophie and group of friends and colleagues, including Christl Probst and Willi Graf. Then followed the arrest of his father, has always opposed the scheme, sentenced to four months imprisonment by a special tribunal and the war. Hans sees with his own eyes the effects of hateful anti-Jewish persecution.

Returning to see Monaco Hans and those of the "White Rose" to engage in various initiatives, written by the Ludwigstrasse penned, "Down with Hitler!", "Freedom," the leaflets to be distributed in the universities of the country. These gestures are apparently naive. Perhaps the German Resistance, paralyzed, powerless, he could only settle for those that seem inappropriate gestures in front of the enormity of what was happening at that time. One could say that it was necessary then to Germany and elsewhere more courage to write "Freedom" on a wall. In addition to the fight against the regime was in place a conflict, an inner struggle against an ideal in which he had believed with conviction until impact with reality.

In any case, the regime responded with ferocity to the rebellion of his sons. On 18 February 1943, Hans and Sophie were arrested and taken to jail, where he underwent interrogation of days and nights on their alleged crimes. Even the friends were brought before to the court for a summary trial. Other leaflets that appeared in February in Monaco, this time red, with the inscription: "They were sentenced to death for high treason: Christoph Probst, twenty-four years, Hans Scholl, twenty-five years, Sophie Scholl, twenty-two years. Judgement has already been done. "

The night before being beheaded, Sophie Scholl had a dream that told her cell mate:
"On a sunny day wore on baptism a child was wearing a long white robe. To reach the church had to follow a path steep mountain. But I carried the baby in her arms firmly and confidently. A crack suddenly opened up before me. I had just enough time to lay the baby across the crevasse, then rushed into the abyss. The baby symbolizes our ideas, we affirm that in spite of all obstacles. We were allowed to be the pioneers, but we have to die for them before you see them translated into reality. "

Hans, Sophie and their friends loved their country, believed in Hitler who said to love them, they were deceived, they went from enchantment and had the nerve to be indignant. killed them because they had written "Freedom" on the streets of Monaco.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Schematics Of An Excavator

Priscilla Pride

Today we are all gays, against intolerance and homophobia.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How Long Doyou Live With Cystic Fibrosis

Viale del Tremonti vol. 1

few months ago, visiting as usual Library Shawshank I read that he left a game cinematic background on the blog "One Flew Over nest in the ass": re-edit the film titles playing with letters and words, adding a mini-plot explanation.

This game was born years ago by a challenge from Roberto Benigni, Umberto Eco and Stephen Bartezzaghi, as recounted in the book "at the OK Corral Misfortune" and is always fun.

impossible not to participate in ' initiative ... but as I expected the game I took my hand and here's some review that reproduce here on Kino after the triumphant tour on "The Event Horizon " (but which is 'a ddi'?)

The umpteenth victim of a vicious serial killer - The ninth died
A young dentist expects the first customer - The desert of tartar
Chef Japanese on holiday - A quiet weekend in tempura
The adventures of a greedy cat in Naples - The puff and the cat
Tragedy touched the nuclear reactor - dangerous radiation
Corrado Guzzanti persecuted by his characters or - hatred of Lorenzo
Behind the scenes of "Friends" by Maria De Filippi - Singing behind Paraculo
Hunt dermatologist disappeared - Finding Nevo
Nazis hiding in a convent - Dossier abbess
Evasion of thieves from Rebibbia - Escape mezzetacche
parallel stories a group of politicians declining - Boulevard Tremonti
A party in the basement - Down the feast
Rocco in Paris - The fabulous ass Amélie
Cancelled autopsy - The Texas Chainsaw dead
Every three tablets acid in a gift - Tribute hallucinating
's charm wins Zingaretti also gay - Some like it bald
Chess game hell - the devil perched The
would actually Kerry won - There was a turning point in America
The magic
Rome - Here is the Empire of the Senses
Like plucking chickens poker - cheating with a stranger
companies of a group of hackers - Thus Spake Altavista
acrobatic porn - The forest of jerking off flying
live near a fry Chinese - The stench from China Strikes Back
I fired - Escape from Capataz
drama of poverty, forced to steal - Thieves chops
Women is pregnant with an alien - The son green
Found unknown Steve McQueen shot in Amsterdam - Gullitt
History of blood and mafia - The bad stinking
Horror in Turin - not Torture a Chiamparino
The incredible story of a Mexican one afternoon suddenly lost sight - A Darkness More Than siesta
The ultimate success of Rocco - Good Night, and Good Fuck

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Cheap Thermastat For Furnace


BASIC RULES FOR HANDLING A PET ... here are the drawings of children with portraits of their pets.

Smithsonian Map Office

E 'was inaugurated on the walking bus: from school Asseggiano Park Jacopone (ref. ed. Street ins. Germana)

Presentiamo i nostri lavori ai genitori e a tutte le persone intervenute...abbiamo aperto i cancelli della scuola! C'è anche il dirigente scolastico che listen to us and makes us the pictures.

We snack ... everything is delicious and prepared by our parents! Wholesome food and very artistic, with the design of LOGO!

The logo of the walking bus is ready!
E 'was created and chosen from a number of drawings produced by pupils of class IV. That choice was made by Max B. (Cl. IV) and is clearly a child with a big foot (walking bus) and the other wheel of the bicycle (Bicibus)

amateur cyclists Asseggiano have prepared a medal to be given to each student who received after the inauguration and after cycling skills course set up in the park via Jacopone ... the students had to recognize the signs placed at various points in real path and use the signs for Here are the posters and banners made for experimentation Pedibus and expose the nationality of the cars and ...!

... Here we are a long snake all one after the other, the road is too narrow to be able to walk in two.

I open the FILA And I CHIUDO
A train of feet of 64 children, well more than 128 feet of parents and teachers who accompanied us on this adventure ... that still continues.

walking to school walking bus =

continue to do the walking bus next year 2007-2008, with the help of parents and the Municipality of Chirignago-Zelarino. We hope that the road is in safety, improved signage and speed bumps arranged ... we will try to refresh your memory to those who you forget about us.