Sunday, May 27, 2007

Virtual Guitarist Older Version

TESTING OF Pedibus TUESDAY, May 29, 2007

C. The Education Office Colombo Chirignago
Primary School Asseggiano

Special means of transport which uses the feet of children and accompanying adults

Along the way Asseggianonel way to school

8.30 All pupils come to school by bike with a sun hat and helmet
at 9:50 am
opening the gates to citizenship
Merenda in the schoolyard, with specialties
by parents

10:10 pm The students will present their work

11.00 am

(among those invited to the Department of Mobility and Transport,

Zelarino-Chirignago of the City and the press)
remarks, suggestions, requests and thanks
A all those who contributed to this initiative

and will continue to

Hours 11:50 to 12:20
we start with the walking bus
walk together ...


together ... Let's go to the park on a bicycle

path of individual skill

by bicycle (by the CSA and the team of amateur cyclists)
Hours 15:45
Greetings and medals
logo done by pupils
"I go to school

16.25 Conclusione

Gli alunni attendono i genitori al Parco

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bushnell Tactical Review

LESSONS ON BICYCLE SAFETY AND ... More with the Friends of the Bicycle. (Edited by Alexander V., Claudio S., Catherine G. cl. V)

(A cura di Alessandro V. Cl. V ins. Germana)

Noi bambini della classe quinta elementare di Asseggiano con la maestra Germana abbiamo fatto un’esperienza riguardante la bicicletta.
Questa esperienza l’abbiamo iniziata martedì 20 marzo e l’abbiamo continuata fino a tutto aprile…e ancora in maggio.
Nei primi tre martedì pomeriggio è intervenuta un’esperta di nome Cristina, appartenente all’Associazione Amici della bicicletta di Mestre e ci ha spiegato la storia della bicicletta, i segnali stradali, come essere sicuri sulla strada…
Il primo martedì dopo la presentazione di ognuno di noi, l’esperta Cristina ci ha dato un libretto da completare, per alcune parti abbiamo lavorato individualmente e per altre insieme ai compagni.
A conclusione della prima giornata abbiamo fatto un gioco: ci siamo divisi in tre gruppi. Un gruppo di compagni, in base a una scelta volontaria, rappresentava gli alberi, un altro le automobili e un terzo le biciclette.
Su un banco vi era uno scatolone con tante palle di carta che rappresentavano lo smog.
The game was to circulate among the class as if it were the way: the children who represented the car after making the rounds of all the banks were throwing around a ball of paper, then they could run again and do the rounds of all the banks and then pull another ball of smog, and so on ... While
car threw around the smog, children who had represented the trees to collect the balls scattered around the room, but could only do it while walking. In the end it was very
smog around the classroom.

This game served to demonstrate just how polluting motor vehicles and how many trees are needed to dispose polluted air and provide oxygen. In other matches
Cristina brought us another book on security, then explained to us that you need to do to repair the bike in case of a puncture. To make us more able in this situation has come a mechanical engineer to a demonstration from the truth.

Mechanic Henry showed us the inner tube and made us experience how the brakes should be placed and how the tires should be inflated.
In other meetings Cristina has tested our skills on a test bicycle and traffic signs, and there were 12 questions with 3 multiple choice answers.
who responded to everything so exact or failed to do less than two errors (such as quizzes for the license provided for in reality) just obtained the license of good pedestrian and cyclist good.
All we managed to get the license (who made some mistakes, no fear, then the teacher could integrate Germana test) and so in subsequent meetings we were all ready to make a model of our way to school Asseggiano and street, every day we see when we get to school.
The model represents our street and town, with our church, shops, houses, pharmacy bar and newsagent near the school.
We managed to complete almost all of plastic before the Easter holidays, but still we continue to add new parts to fix it. It 'was a learning experience and I really liked.

model of the way to school.
(By Claudio S. Class V ins. Germana)

instructions for completion.
Materials: glue, acrylic paint, cardboard, cans of various sizes, all completely recycled at home (from drugs, from pasta ...), toilet paper, toothpicks, wire wool, cotton wood and recycled plastic by the teachers coffee, paper, markers, newspaper, straw, green card, some chocolates ...
Procedure: with this material we have drawn on a large cardboard Asseggiano in miniature. Then we built the houses with cardboard boxes after they were covered in toilet paper and glue to dry and painted. With the board we have shelters and level crossing and traffic signals ... even a satellite dish. With wool and straw we made the green trees and bushes. With toothpicks and aluminum foil chocolates the street lamps. Then I

with a sheet of paper that says I made a plane Pedibus Asseggiano to indicate that something new is about to take off in our school ... the walking bus?
with markers and tempera paints have colored the sky and the environment by being more faithful to reality.
The experience of the model was beautiful, I was so involved in a 'practical and creative activities and I'd like to redo it again.

Considerations on the work of plastic
(Edited by Catherine G. cl. V ins. Germana)

Even for me it was a very nice experience because I was instructed to organize themselves and interact with others and, above all, to observe the environment in which I live, some details I had just escaped.
Then I enjoyed very much, and when the model was finished it seemed to me to see my own country, Asseggiano, miniature!

But wear a helmet on his head is really useful?

truly trying to give us a shot in the head cover or without cover and see the difference ... anyone here has tried and empirically, covering his head with a colander lined inside asciugani.

The test has proved the validity of the helmet, perhaps with a more stylish.

all prefer to have your helmet!

So are you ready?

Have you placed the rudimentary helmet?

Well now you can hit!

Ah, Ah, Ah, I did not hear anything!

Facial Chicken Pox Mark

REPORT OF THE PROJECT Pedibus school ASSEGGIANO (Edited by M. Pierre class IV) Education

On Monday, March 19 we children of Class IV school Asseggiano, we held an exit per il progetto Pedibus con alcuni collaboratori: l’arch. Massimiliano e il suo collega Alessandro del servizio Mobilità del Comune di Venezia e Michela della Municipalità di Chirignago Zelarino.
La maestra Germana ha legato alcune corde e ci ha detto di tenerci attaccati ad esse con la mano sinistra.

Siamo usciti dalla scuola e passati davanti al parcheggio dell’asilo abbiamo messo una “multa finta” ad una macchina, perché non permetteva la visuale a quelli che dovevano uscire dalla stradina del parcheggio.
Abbiamo continuato a camminare verso il passaggio a livello, passando davanti a via Alfani e al parcheggio della stazione, abbiamo messo un’altra "Fine" to another machine because it was parked in no parking, and yet another because it was parked right on the pedestrian crossing at the gate of our school.
Then we went to via Angioleri reporting on all the dangers we encountered such as lack of sidewalks and bicycle lanes, lack of pedestrian crossings to cross the street and the garbage bins that take up space to walk forcing people to move toward the lane.
From there we went back to school because she was beginning to drip.

At school we made posters that said and designed some of these "problems" we encountered along the way on the streets of Asseggiano.
Then we made a model depicting the streets and buildings of Asseggiano.
We built with polystyrene and cardboard.

Also for me it was very important to do this route on our streets, because I realized how many dangers there are and how many things that could be put in place if only someone would check and report a we did, our streets would be safer for us children.

Ora disegnano gli edifici che incontriamo prima di venire a scuola...e ci prepariamo a fare il plastico di via Asseggiano.

Legislative Strategies That Kill A Bill

road with a policeman Bruno (Federica T. Cl . IV ins. Germana)

Oggi, 14 marzo 2007 è venuto a trovarci il vigile Bruno della Polizia Municipale, un amico e collega dei miei genitori, anche loro, infatti, svolgono la professione di vigile urbano.
Il vigile Bruno ci ha detto per prima cosa che tutti noi bambini siamo stati innanzitutto passeggeri, poi pedoni e per ultimo diventeremo conducenti.

Anche quando credevamo di essere stati portati dalla cicogna eravamo passeggeri, ora sappiamo che siamo stati trasportati nella pancia della mamma, comunque sempre passeggeri.
Ma mano che cresciamo sono cambiate i modi per essere trasportati, dalle braccia della mamma, dal marsupio al passeggino fino al seggiolino in auto e sempre con la cintura di sicurezza.
E’ obbligatorio per la evitare di sbattere la testa contro il vetro dell’auto e farci un trauma cranico e magari perdere la vita.
Il vigile Bruno ci ha mostrato una serie di segnali stradale e ha spiegato il loro significato universale, tutti i bambini del mondo possono capirli anche se parlano lingue diverse.
Ad esempio il segnale triangolare con i suoi tre spigoli indicano appunto il pericolo, è qualcosa che punge e può far male. Il segnale quadrato o rettangolare è usato per le indicazioni, quello circolare indica le “prescrizioni cioè gli obblighi” e quello ottagonale indica lo stop.
Ogni cartello stradale ha una sua forma, un suo disegno all’interno e un suo colore come ad esempio quello quadrato blu con disegnato un pedone sulle strisce indica l’attraversamento pedonale.

Il triangolo bianco con bordo rosso e un pedone nero che attraverso le strisce indica di fare attenzione perché vi è un attraversamento pedonale nelle vicinanze.
Il quadrato arancione con due bambini che corrono è il segnale della “scuolabus”…vicino la nostra scuola purtroppo non è stato ancora messo
I segnali stradali sono tanti…ma facile da capire una volta individuato il significato della forma e del suo colore.
Here are some examples of signs we can use our children when we go on foot or by bicycle.
We all need to know If I do not observe traffic signs road signs road signs that the risk of being hit but if I walk on the left side and I'm careful I can avoid the dangers and save me from a lot of carelessness and recklessness of drivers.
can be very useful to know and understand, for example, when there is no sidewalk, walk on the edge of the road with reflective jackets and go in the opposite direction of the car to be able to identify and be good to recognize.
fighters have also rows with a uniform glow visible easily even at night.
Bruno has also taught us that no one walks into the street and you park the bike on the sidewalk because they block the passage for pedestrians, they typically are placed in racks, but often there are none and you have to look for a place near a pole to tie them.
He suggested that when there are no crosswalks should go through the shortest path that is straight on the road, and not diagonally as well as the time spent on the road in the latter case is longer and the risk of not be seen, and thus invested is higher especially if we pass a curve.
important information is to cross always on the strips, even if we have to do a few meters more, compared to our direction of travel.
We have to go on the strips as if by chance something happens to us before 100 meters from the pedestrian crossing the fault is still, unfortunately, always the pawn!

The signals are then always placed about 100 meters before the spot where the communications signal.
E 'was a very important day because we understand the many useful things for our security.

How To Replace Turbo Volvo C70

Competition Bimbimbici + SECURITY + BIKE = less smog, by the INS. Germana

This year the whole complex of Asseggiano (DD Chirignago) has implemented a project of education for sustainable mobility. There has been participation and implication of pupils and parents. Some experts of the Municipality and the Department of Chirignago Mobility for the city of Venice ... worked with the teachers, pupils on road safety.
Bimbimbici 2007 included a drawing contest entitled: more bikes = less smog and safety. Classes II and III each have produced a design collective, classes IV and V have carried out projects in pairs or small groups or individually. All pupils were involved in education activities to sustainable mobility, on the issues of pollution, ecology and the environment. Here are the photos of the beautiful and meaningful children's drawings with their solutions creative. Some pupils and their parents on May 6, 2007 town that made the ride at the national level has been held in 200 Italian cities.